How to make Light in little alchemy

How to make Light in little alchemy

Do you need help making certain elements in Little Alchemy? Such as Light. We know spending hours clicking and searching for solutions can be frustrating. So worry not.

We are here to teach you to make a Light element in just a few simple steps. After reading this article, you can make a successful Light element with a little alchemy. So, let’s get started and show you how to make Light in Little Alchemy.

How To Make Light In Little Alchemy From Scratch

To make Light from scratch. You need to combine some elements that are listed below. 

Follow the below steps to make the Light element,

And check the table, too, for a better understanding.

  • First, combine Earth and Fire elements to make Lava
  • Next, combine Lava and Air elements to make Stone
  • Then, combine Air and Stone elements to make Sand
  • After that, combine Fire and Sand elements to make Glass
  • Next, combine Fire and Stone elements to make Metal 
  • Then, combine Air and Fire elements to make Energy
  • After that, combine Energy and Metal elements to Make Electricity
  • Next, combine Glass and Electricity elements to make Light Bulb
  • Finally, combine Light Bulb and Electricity elements to make Light
Combination of elements Results
Earth + Fire Lava
Lava + Air Stone
Air + Stone Sand
Fire + Stone Metal
Air + Fire Energy
Energy + Metal Electricity
Glass + Electricity Light Bulb
Light Bulb + Electricity Light
How To Make Light In Little Alchemy From Scratch

See also : How to make Milk in little alchmy

If you’re new to Little Alchemy, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. In the following section, we’ve discussed how to make Light in Little Alchemy in more detail, complete with helpful infographics, and provide you with a link to the post below. So, if you require it, keep reading!

How to make Light in little alchemy by combining Light Bulb and Electricity

To make Light first, we must make Light Bulb in little alchemy.

How to make Light Bulb in little alchemy – Detail Guide

We already discussed the Light Bulb-making process in the previous post and will not discuss it again here from scratch. So, click the link to check my detailed post on Light Bulb making process in little alchemy.

Imagine you are already in the game 🙂 

First Step: Choose the Glass element and drag it onto the game-playing board.

Second Step: Choose the Electricity element and drag it onto the game-playing board.

Final Step: Combine Glass and Electricity elements.

How to make Light Bulb in little alchemy Detail Guide

Congratulations! You have successfully made a Light Bulb in little alchemy.

Now we need to make Electricity in little alchemy.

See also: How to make Star in little alchemy

How to make Electricity in little alchemy – Detail Guide

We already discussed the Electricity-making process in the previous post and will not discuss it again here from scratch. So, click the link to check my detailed post on Electricity making process in little alchemy.

Imagine you are already in the game 🙂 

First Step: Choose the Energy element and drag it onto the game-playing board.

Second Step: Choose the Metal element and drag it onto the game-playing board.

Final Step: Combine Energy and Metal elements.

How to make Electricity in little alchemy Detail Guide

Congratulations! You have successfully made Electricity in little alchemy.

Now some steps are left to make Light in little alchemy. Just Follow them!

Imagine you are already in the game 🙂 

First Step: Choose the Light Bulb element and drag it onto the game-playing board.

Second Step: Choose the Electricity element and drag it onto the game-playing board. 

Final Step: Combine elements of Light Bulb and Electricity.

How to make Light in little alchemy by combining Light Bulb and Electricity

Congratulations! You have successfully made Light in little alchemy. Now Light is at your fingertips. 

How to make Light in little alchemy by combining Electricity and Flashlight elements

To make Light first, we need to make Electricity in little alchemy.

Electricity Making: 

The Electricity-making process discussed above in the article can be checked by scrolling up.

Now we need to make Flashlight in little alchemy.

How to make Flashlight in little alchemy – Detail Guide

We already discussed the Flashlight-making process in the previous post and will not discuss it again here from scratch. So, click the link to check my detailed post on Flashlight making process in little alchemy.

Imagine you are already in the game 🙂 

First Step: Choose the Tool element and drag it onto the game-playing board.

Second Step: Choose the Light element and drag it onto the game-playing board.

Final Step: Combine Tool and Light elements.

How to make Flashlight in little alchemy Detail Guide

Congratulations! You have successfully made a Flashlight in little alchemy.

Now some steps are left to make Light in little alchemy. Just Follow them!

Imagine you are already in the game 🙂 

First Step: Choose the Electricity element and drag it onto the game-playing board.

Second Step: Choose the Flashlight element and drag it onto the game-playing board. 

Final Step: Combine elements of Electricity and a Flashlight.

How to make Light in little alchemy by combining Electricity and Flashlight elements

Congratulations! You have made Light in little alchemy by combining Electricity and Flashlight elements.

What new elements can we create using Light in little alchemy? 

Below are all the new elements we can make using Light in little alchemy.

Combination of elements Results
Light + Rain Rainbow
Light + Solar cell Electricity
Light + Bone X-ray
Light + Skeleton X-ray
Light + Sword Lightsaber
Light + House Lighthouse
Light + Beach Lighthouse
Light + Ocean Lighthouse
Light + Sea Lighthouse
Light+ Tool Flashlight
Light+ Vegetable Pumpkin
Light + Wire Optical Fiber


Making a Light in Little Alchemy can be easily achieved by following our detailed guide on how to make a Light in Little Alchemy. You can create Light from scratch in just a few steps by combining specific elements like Light Bulb and Electricity. So, start crafting your Light now and take your Little Alchemy experience to the next level!

Thank you for reading our article on the Light-making process in little alchemy. We hope the information provided was helpful and you can successfully combine the Light Bulb and Electricity elements.

If you have questions about Little Alchemy or crafting any element, Please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to help and provide any additional guidance. Thanks again for reading!


You can make Electricity in little alchemy by combining Energy and Metal elements.

You can make Flashlight in little alchemy by combining Tool and Light elements.

You can make a Light Bulb in little alchemy by combining Glass and Electricity elements.

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