How to make Human in little alchemy 2

How to Make Human in little alchemy 2? (2024)

Are you looking to make Human in Little Alchemy 2 but tired of endless searches? Well, you’re in luck! This article will guide you through the simple steps to create the perfect Human and elevate your alchemy game. Let’s dive and show you how to make Human in little alchemy 2 without wasting any time.

All Methods Of Making Human In Little Alchemy 2

You can create Human in Little Alchemy 2 by following the combinations below.

Combination of elementsResults
Clay + LifeHuman
Animal + TimeHuman
Animal + ToolHuman
Monkey + TimeHuman
Monkey + ToolHuman
All methods of making human in little alchemy 2

How To Make Human In Little Alchemy 2 From Scratch / Walkthrough?

To make Chicken from Scratch, you must combine some elements listed below.

Follow the below steps to make the Chicken element.

  • First, combine Water and Water elements to make Puddle
  • Next, combine Puddle and Water elements to make Pond
  • Then, combine Pond and Water elements to make Lake
  • After that, combine Lake and Water elements to make Sea
  • Next, combine Earth and Sea elements to make Primordial Soup
  • Then, combine Fire and Fire elements to make Energy
  • After that, combine Energy and Primordial Soup elements to make Life
  • Next, combine Earth and Fire elements to make Lava
  • Then, combine Air and Lava elements to make Stone
  • After that, combine Earth and Water elements to make Mud
  • Next, combine Mud and Stone elements to make Clay
  • Finally, combine Clay and Life to make a Human 

And check the table, too, for a better understanding.

Combination of elementsResults
Water + WaterPuddle
Puddle + WaterPond
Pond + WaterLake
Lake + WaterSea
Earth + SeaPrimordial Soup
Fire + FireEnergy
Energy + Primordial SoupLife
Earth + FireLava
Air + LavaStone
Earth + WaterMud
Mud+ StoneClay
Clay + LifeHuman
How to Make Human from Scratch in little alchemy 2

What New Elements Can We Create Using Human In Little Alchemy 2?

No need to worry, my friend. The Game is far from over! You have a fantastic opportunity to make even more unique items using the power of Chicken in Little Alchemy 2. It’s like unlocking a whole new world of possibilities! So go ahead and keep exploring, discovering, and creating beautiful things. The adventure awaits you!

Combination of elementsResults
Human + GoldAlchemist
Human + IdeaAlchemist
Human + StoryAlchemist
Human + DustAllergy
Human + PollenAllergy
Human + BirdAngel
Human + LightAngel
Human + Fishing RodAngler
Human + JupiterAstronaut
Human + MarsAstronaut
Human + MercuryAstronaut
Human + MoonAstronaut
Human + RocketAstronaut
Human + SaturnAstronaut
Human + Solar SystemAstronaut
Human + Space StationAstronaut
Human + SpaceAstronaut
Human + SpaceshipAstronaut
Human + BakeryBaker
Human + Banana BreadBaker
Human + BatterBaker
Human + BreadBaker
Human + Cookie DoughBaker
Human + CookieBaker
Human + DonutBaker
Human + PieBaker
Human + PizzaBaker
Human + ToastBaker
Human + BatBatman
Human + BladeBlood
Human + HamButcher
Human + MeatButcher
Human + OxygenCarbon Dioxide
Human + HorseCentaur
Human + ColdChill
Human + IceChill
Human + Mountain RangeCold
Human + MountainCold
Human + RainCold
Human + SnowCold
Human + StormCold
Human + WindCold
Human + CampfireCook
Human + FruitCook
Human + NutsCook
Human + VegetableCook
Human + ArrowCorpse
Human + BladeCorpse
Human + BulletCorpse
Human + DeathCorpse
Human + ExplosionCorpse
Human + Grim ReaperCorpse
Human + TimeCorpse
Human + RobotCyborg
Human + BicycleCyclist
Human + WheelCyclist
Human + Scuba TankDiver
Human + HospitalDoctor
Human + StethoscopeDoctor
Human + AnimalDomestication
Human + AlcoholDrunk
Human + BeerDrunk
Human + WineDrunk
Human + ElectricityElectrician
Human + WireElectrician
Human + MachineEngineer
Human + Steam EngineEngineer
Human + HouseFamily
Human + BarnFarmer
Human + FieldFarmer
Human + GrassFarmer
Human + PitchforkFarmer
Human + PlantFarmer
Human + PlowFarmer
Human + GoatFaun
Human + Mountain GoatFaun
Human + Fire ExtinguisherFireman
Human + FireFireman
Human + FiretruckFireman
Human + LampFlashlight
Human + GardenGardener
Human + GlassGlasses
Human + ScytheGrim Reaper
Human + Computer MouseHacker
Human + ComputerHacker
Human + GlassesHacker
Human + InternetHacker
Human + LegendHero
Human + LightningHero
Human + StoryHero
Human + WallHouse
Human + Light BulbIdea
Human + LightsaberJedi
Human + ArmorKnight
Human + BookLibrarian
Human + LibraryLibrarian
Human + HumanLove
Human + AxeLumberjack
Human + ChainsawLumberjack
Human + TreeLumberjack
Human + WoodLumberjack
Human + LetterMailman
Human + NewspaperMailman
Human + SnakeMedusa
Human + FishMermaid
Human + CowMinotaur
Human + CastleMonarch
Human + ExcaliburMonarch
Human + PyramidMummy
Human + DrumMusician
Human + FluteMusician
Human + MusicMusician
Human + Sheet MusicMusician
Human + KatanaNinja
Human + ShurikenNinja
Human + AirplanePilot
Human + SeaplanePilot
Human + ClayPotter
Human + PotteryPotter
Human + BoatSailor
Human + LakeSailor
Human + OceanSailor
Human + SailboatSailor
Human + SeaSailor
Human + SteamboatSailor
Human + Christmas StockingSanta
Human + Christmas TreeSanta
Human + HayScarecrow
Human + MicroscopeScientist
Human + TelescopeScientist
Human + UniverseScientist
Human + BacteriaSickness
Human + SicknessSickness
Human + SwampSickness
Human + Mountain RangeSkier
Human + MountainSkier
Human + Ski GogglesSkier
Human + SnowSnowball
Human + SnowSnowman
Human + WaveSound
Human + MedusaStatue
Human + CampfireStory
Human + HeroStory
Human + BeachSurfer
Human + WaveSurfer
Human + WoolSweater
Human + PondSwimmer
Human + Swim GogglesSwimmer
Human + WaterSwimmer
Human + LeafTea
Human + MetalTool
Human + RockTool
Human + SteelTool
Human + StoneTool
Human + WoodTool
Human + BatVampire
Human + BloodVampire
Human + VampireVampire
Human + HeatWarmth
Human + BowWarrior
Human + SwordWarrior
Human + ClockWatch
Human + WerewolfWerewolf
Human + WolfWerewolf
Human + BroomWitch
Human + Double RainbowWizard
Human + MagicWizard
Human + RainbowWizard
Human + UnicornWizard
Human + ZombieZombie


Making Human in Little Alchemy 2 can be easily achieved by following our detailed guide on how to make Human in Little Alchemy 2. You can create Human from scratch in just a few steps by combining elements like Clay + Life. So, embark on your journey to craft Human and explore the endless possibilities in Little Alchemy 2!

Thank you for reading our article on the Human-making process in Little Alchemy. We hope the information provided was helpful and you can successfully combine the mentioned elements to create Chicken.

If you have questions about Little Alchemy 2 or need guidance in crafting any element, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are always here to assist you. Happy alchemizing!

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