How to make Wood in Little Alchemy 2

How to make Wood in little alchemy 2

We understand you are finding it difficult to make Wood in little alchemy 2. So worry not. Little Alchemy is a wonderful and easiest game, and we are here to teach you all steps.

In this article, we will lead you through the wood making process in the little Alchemy 2 game. Let’s save time by showing you how to make Wood in Little Alchemy 2.

How To Make Wood From Scratch In Little Alchemy 2

We must combine some elements to create wood elements in little alchemy 2 from scratch. They are all listed below.

Follow the steps below and see the table and infographic for a better understanding.

  • First, combine Water and Water elements to make a Puddle.
  • Next, combine the Puddle and Water elements to create a Pond.
  • Then, combine the Pond and Water elements to form a Lake.
  • After that, combine the Lake and Water elements to make a Sea.
  • Combine Earth and Sea elements to create a Primordial Soup.
  • Make Energy by combining Fire and Fire elements.
  • Next, combine Energy and Primordial Soup elements to create Life.
  • Then, combine Earth and Fire elements to make Lava.
  • Make Stone by combining Lava and Air elements.
  • Next, combine Fire and Stone elements to make Metal.
  • Then, combine Earth and Metal elements to create a Plow.
  • Create a Field by combining Earth and Plow elements.
  • Next, combine Stone and Stone elements to make a Wall.
  • Then, combine wall and Wall elements to create a House.
  • Combine Field and House elements to create a Barn.
  • Make a Phoenix by combining Fire and Life elements.
  • Next, combine Phoenixes and Phoenixes elements to make Egg.
  • Then, combine a Barn and Egg to create Chicken.
  • Create Philosophy by combining Chicken and Egg elements.
  • Next, combine Earth and Earth elements to create Land.
  • Then, combine Earth and Land elements to create a Continent.
  • Create a Planet by combining Continents and Continents elements.
  • Next, combine Air and Planet to create an Atmosphere.
  • Then, combine Atmosphere and Water elements to make Cloud.
  • Make Rain by combining Cloud and Water elements.
  • Next, make Big by combining Philosophy and Planet elements.
  • Then, combine Earth and Life elements to create Soil.
  • Create a Plant by combining Rain and Soi elements.
  • Next, make a Tree by combining Big and Plant elements.
  • Then, combine Stone and Metal elements to make Blade.
  • Make a Sword by combining Metal and Blade elements.
  • Finally, make Wood by combining Tree and Sword elements.

Here is a table for a better understanding.

Combination of elements Results
Water + Water Puddle
Puddle + Water Pond
Pond + Water Lake
Lake + Water Sea
Earth + Sea Primordial Soup
Fire + Fire Energy
Energy + Primordial Soup Life
Earth + Fire Lava
Lava + Air Stone
Fire + Stone Metal
Earth + Metal Plow
Earth + Plow Field
Stone + Stone Wall
Wall + Wall House
Field + House Barm
Fire + Life Phoenix
Phoenix + Phoenix Egg
Barn + Egg Chicken
Chicken + Egg Philosophy
Earth + Earth Land
Earth+ Land Continent
Continent + Continent Planet
Air + Planet Atmosphere
Atmosphere + Water Cloud
Cloud + Water Rain
Philosophy + Planet Big
Earth + Life Soil
Rain + Soil Plant
Big + Plant Tree
Stone + Metal Blade
Metal + Blade Sword
Tree + Sword Wood
How to make wood from scratch in little alchemy 2

That’s all there is to it. It’s quite simple.

See also: How to make Pencil In Little Alchemy 2

 Below are some more details about the Wood making process. Read it if you require 

How to make Wood in little alchemy 2 by combining Tree and Sword 

The previous process was to make Wood in little alchemy from scratch. We will show you how to make Wood by combining two elements with valuable infographics.

We need to first make tree element in the game.

How to make Tree in little alchemy 2 – Detail guide

We have previously discussed in a separate post making the Tree element in little alchemy 2. You can follow the link to learn about those steps. Click the link for a Step by Step Guide on making a tree in little alchemy 2.

How to make Tree in little alchemy 2 Detail guide

After successfully making a Tree, the next step is to make a Sword element. 

How to make Sword in little alchemy – Detail guide.

We have already discussed this in a previous post So, Click the link to check my detailed post on making Sword in little alchemy 2. 

How to make Sword in little alchemy Detail guide

Now only some more steps are left to make Wood.

Imagen you are in the game 🙂 

First Step: Choose the Tree element and drag it onto the playing board 

Second Step: Choose the Sword element and drag it onto the playing board 

Final Step: Combine Tree and Sword.

How to make Wood in little alchemy 2 by combining Tree and Sword

Congratulations! You’ve successfully made Wood in little alchemy 2 by combining Tree and Sword elements 


This article has covered methods about how to make Wood in little alchemy 2. We have explored the process of making Wood from scratch and discussed it more deeply with useful infographics. Although it may have presented challenges, anything is achievable with a focused mindset and clear direction.

Thanks for reading our article on the Wood making process in little alchemy2. We hope that the information provided was helpful and that you can successfully make a Wood Combination between the Tree and Sword elements.

If you have questions about Little Alchemy2 or crafting any element, Please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to help and provide any additional guidance. Thanks again for reading!

See also: Become an Alchemist Pro Today: Visit our little alchmy 2 hints!


You can create a Tree in Little Alchemy by combining Plant and Time elements. 

Yes, you can make Wood by combining Tool and Tree elements too.

You can make below some elements by using Wood 

  • Furniture
  • Paper 
  • Wheel
  • Wagon
  • Guitar
  • Forest etc.

Almost 720 elements are available.

Unfortunately, there is only one type of Wood.

You can save your progress by signing in with Google and Facebook. 

Yes, you can play offline once it has been downloaded onto your device. However, some features may be required on the internet, like sharing your creation with friends, etc. 

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