how to make container in little alchemy 2

How to make Container in Little Alchemy 2? (2024)

Are you looking to create Container in Little Alchemy 2 but tired of endless searches? Well, you’re in luck! This article will guide you through the simple steps to unlock the wonders of Container and elevate your alchemy game. Let’s dive in and show you how to make Container in Little Alchemy 2 without wasting time.

All Methods Of Making Container In Little Alchemy 2

You can create Container in Little Alchemy 2 by following the combinations below

Combination of elementsResults
Philosophy + HouseContainer
Philosophy + BottleContainer
Philosophy + BoxContainer
Philosophy + BucketContainer
Philosophy + PotteryContainer
Philosophy + SafeContainer
all methods of making container in little alchemy 2

How to Make Container In Little Alchemy 2 From Scratch / Walkthrough?

To make Container from Scratch, you must combine some elements listed below.

Follow the below steps to make the Container element.

  • First, combine Water and Water elements to make a Puddle.
  • Next, combine Puddle and Water elements to make a Pond.
  • Then, combine Pond and Water elements to make a Lake.
  • After that, combine Lake and Water elements to make a Sea.
  • First, combine Earth and Sea elements to make Primordial Soup.
  • Next, combine Fire and Fire elements to make Energy.
  • Then, combine Energy and Primordial Soup elements to make Life.
  • After that, combine Earth and Fire elements to make Lava.
  • First, combine Lava and Air elements to make Stone.
  • Next, combine Fire and Stone elements to make Metal.
  • Then, combine Earth and Metal elements to make a Plow.
  • After that, combine Earth and Plow elements to make a Field.
  • First, combine Stone and Stone elements to make a Wall.
  • Next, combine Wall and Wall elements to make a House.
  • Then, combine Field and House elements to make a Barn.
  • After that, combine Fire and Life elements to make a Phoenix.
  • First, combine Phoenix and Phoenix elements to make an Egg.
  • Next, combine Barn and Egg elements to make a Chicken.
  • Then, combine Chicken and Egg elements to make Philosophy.
  • Finally, combine House and Philosophy elements to make a Container.

And check the table, too, for a better understanding.

Combination of elementsResults
Water + WaterPuddle
Puddle + WaterPond
Pond + WaterLake
Lake + WaterSea
Earth + SeaPrimordial Soup
Fire + FireEnergy
Energy + Primordial SoupLife
Earth + FireLava
Lava + AirStone
Fire + StoneMetal
Earth + MetalPlow
Earth + PlowField
Stone + StoneWall
Wall + WallHouse
Field + HouseBarn
Fire + Life Phoenix
Phoenix + PhoenixEgg
Barn+ EggChicken
Chicken + EggPhilosophy
House + PhilosophyContainer

What New Elements Can We Create Using Container In Little Alchemy 2?

No need to worry, my friend. The Game is far from over! You have a fantastic opportunity to make even more unique items using the power of Container in Little Alchemy 2. It’s like unlocking a whole new world of possibilities! So go ahead and keep exploring, discovering, and creating beautiful things. The adventure awaits you!

Combination of elementsResults
Container + PilotAirplane
Container + AntAnthill
Container + FishAquarium
Container + BakerBakery
Container + MoneyBank
Container + CowBarn
Container + Hay BaleBarn
Container + HayBarn
Container + HorseBarn
Container + LivestockBarn
Container + PigBarn
Container + SheepBarn
Container + ElectricityBattery
Container + EnergyBattery
Container + BeeBeehive
Container + BirdBirdcage
Container + BloodBlood Bag
Container + PressureBoiler
Container + Fairy TaleBook
Container + IdeaBook
Container + LegendBook
Container + StoryBook
Container + AlcoholBottle
Container + BeerBottle
Container + Chocolate MilkBottle
Container + Coconut MilkBottle
Container + JuiceBottle
Container + MilkBottle
Container + OilBottle
Container + PerfumeBottle
Container + SodaBottle
Container + WaterBottle
Container + WineBottle
Container + CakeBox
Container + CerealBox
Container + CookieBox
Container + CrayonBox
Container + DonutBox
Container + PencilBox
Container + PizzaBox
Container + Chicken WingBucket
Container + PaintBucket
Container + WoodBucket
Container + YogurtBucket
Container + GunpowderBullet
Container + HamsterCage
Container + KnightCastle
Container + MonarchCastle
Container + BatCave
Container + FoxCave
Container + LionCave
Container + WolfCave
Container + ChickenChicken Coop
Container + BankCity
Container + SkyscraperCity
Container + VillageCity
Container + CuckooClock
Container + BroomCloset
Container + RoombaCloset
Container + ToolboxCloset
Container + UmbrellaCloset
Container + Vacuum CleanerCloset
Container + CorpseCoffin
Container + VampireCoffin
Container + EmailComputer
Container + Milk ShakeCup
Container + SmoothieCup
Container + TeaCup
Container + DogDoghouse
Container + HuskyDoghouse
Container + GunpowderDynamite
Container + LifeEgg
Container + LoveFamily
Container + FarmerFarm
Container + WoodFireplace
Container + TreeForest
Container + ColdFridge
Container + Ice CreamFridge
Container + IceFridge
Container + Solar SystemGalaxy
Container + StarGalaxy
Container + Super NovaGalaxy
Container + GalaxyGalaxy Cluster
Container + AmbulanceGarage
Container + BusGarage
Container + CarGarage
Container + Electric CarGarage
Container + Ice Cream TruckGarage
Container + MotorcycleGarage
Container + RVGarage
Container + SleighGarage
Container + SnowmobileGarage
Container + TractorGarage
Container + FlowerGarden
Container + CoffinGrave
Container + GravestoneGraveyard
Container + PlantGreenhouse
Container + BulletGun
Container + AirplaneHangar
Container + HelicopterHangar
Container + RocketHangar
Container + SeaplaneHangar
Container + SpaceshipHangar
Container + DoctorHospital
Container + SandHourglass
Container + TimeHourglass
Container + FamilyHouse
Container + FireplaceHouse
Container + JamJar
Container + NessieLake
Container + GrassLawn
Container + BookLibrary
Container + TideOcean
Container + Fruit TreeOrchard
Container + TobaccoPipe
Container + PiratePirate Ship
Container + MailmanPost Office
Container + MummyPyramid
Container + FlourSack
Container + LetterSack
Container + SaltSack
Container + GoldSafe
Container + GunSafe
Container + AirScuba Tank
Container + AtmosphereScuba Tank
Container + WheatSilo
Container + JupiterSolar System
Container + MarsSolar System
Container + MercurySolar System
Container + PlanetSolar System
Container + SunSolar System
Container + VenusSolar System
Container + AstronautSpaceship
Container + ChainToolbox
Container + HammerToolbox
Container + RulerToolbox
Container + Steel WoolToolbox
Container + ToolToolbox
Container + TrainTrainyard
Container + NestTree
Container + AlienUFO
Container + Galaxy ClusterUniverse
Container + SpaceUniverse
Container + RoseVase
Container + BakeryVillage
Container + HouseVillage
Container + LavaVolcano
Container + AnimalZoo


Making Container in Little Alchemy 2 can be easily achieved by following our detailed guide on how to make Container in Little Alchemy 2. You can create Container from scratch in just a few steps by combining elements like Steal + Stone. So, embark on your journey to craft Container and explore the endless possibilities in Little Alchemy 2!

Thank you for reading our article on the Container-making process in Little Alchemy. We hope the information provided was helpful and you can successfully combine the mentioned elements to create Container.

If you have questions about Little Alchemy 2 or need guidance in crafting any element, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are always here to assist you. Happy alchemizing!

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